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SGM 2022: Symposium «Hydrology and Hydrogeology»

Luogo della manifestazione

Université de Lausanne
Quartier Mouline
1015 Lausanne

This symposium is part of the 20th Swiss Geoscience Meeting from 18 to 20 November 2022. As part of this year’s Swiss Geoscience Meeting theme on geosystem transitions and resilience, we would like to particularly encourage contributions that explore hydrological and hydrogeological processes under transient conditions: how do processes respond to changes, how do we define tipping points in hydro(geo)logical systems, how (well) can we predict responses, and what are the implications for the environment and society, i.e. for management and policy making?

ruscello valle acqua
Immagine: M. Bolliger

Hydrological and hydrogeological processes vary greatly across spatial and temporal scales. Understanding, monitoring and modelling the diversity and similarity of these processes is still a significant ongoing challenge for research and water management, in Switzerland and globally.

As part of this year’s Swiss Geoscience Meeting theme on geosystem transitions and resilience, we would like to particularly encourage contributions that explore hydrological and hydrogeological processes under transient conditions: how do processes respond to changes, how do we define tipping points in hydro(geo)logical systems, how (well) can we predict responses, and what are the implications for the environment and society, i.e. for management and policy making?

The Hydrology and Hydrogeology session is expected to share a keynote and its poster session with the Limnology session to foster an integrated perspective of the water resource.

SSHL-SGHL Poster Award

The Swiss Society for Hydrology and Limnology (SSHL-SGHL) offers two prizes (CHF 250.- each) for posters presented at the SGM: one for best research innovation and one for the best communication/design of the research. Posters must be on display at the SGM poster session for evaluation by the jury.

Early Career researchers (PhD and Master students) can apply for the SSHL-SGHL Poster Award. Together with the decision on your abstract, we will send you an application form by e-mail.


Sandra Pool (SGHL, Eawag), Peter Molnar (CHy, ETH Zurich), Daniel Hunkeler (SGH, University of Neuchâtel), Christophe Lienert (CHy, LAINAT), Nadav Peleg (University of Lausanne), Michael Sinreich (SGH, FOEN), Massimiliano Zappa (SGHL, WSL), Sanja Hosi (CHy, SCNAT)


  • Idrogeologia
  • Idrologia
  • Idrologia, limnologia, glaciologia
  • Idrosfera

Abstract submission


Presentazione del poster
SSHL-SGHL Poster Award Application: 10.11.2022

For further information visit the website of the 20th Swiss Geoscience Meeting.
Lingue: Inglese