TRAINING (2.4.1)

La FOK-SNP promuove e coordina i progetti di ricerca nel Parco nazionale svizzero, nel Parco naturale regionale della Val Müstair e nella zona cuscinetto e di transizione della Riserva della Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair.di più

Immagine: Meisterfoto, stock.adobe.comdi più

Submit research project

Submit research project

Would you like to carry out a research project? We look forward to receiving your project application, which we will be happy to review. Documents and forms for submitting and carrying out research in the UNESCO Engiadina Val Müstair Biosphere Reserve can be found below

  • Research in the National Park: Research activities in the National Park require a permit. The annual registration of all (new and ongoing) research projects, fieldwork, and surveys is obligatory.
  • Research in the conservation and development zone: To ensure logistical and content-related support, we recommend following the same procedure for projects in the conservation and development zone of the UNESCO Engiadina Val Müstair Biosphere Reserve (which lies outside the perimeter of the National Park).

Announcement of field research:
If your project is approved, you will be asked in March to announce your field research.

Submission of new projects