TRAINING (2.4.1)

La FOK-SNP promuove e coordina i progetti di ricerca nel Parco nazionale svizzero, nel Parco naturale regionale della Val Müstair e nella zona cuscinetto e di transizione della Riserva della Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair.di più

Immagine: Meisterfoto, stock.adobe.comdi più

Monitoring river sediment and instream wood during e-flows in the lower Spöl River since 2018

Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva (University of Lausanne) mit J.A. Aarnink, J. Gibaja, B. Finch

Rivers are the great shapers of terrestrial landscapes, and rivers in the Swiss National Park are no exception. Remarkably diverse ecosystems, our Alpine rivers sustain life and provide essential ecosystem services (e.g., fresh water, habitat, and recreation). However, dams, present for decades on many mountain rivers, strongly impact these services. Indeed, by interrupting upstream–downstream movement of water and suppressing periodic floods, dams disrupt the flow of sediments, nutrients, and organisms. The Spöl River, dammed by the Punt dal Gall-Livigno and the Ova Spin reservoirs since 1970, is undergoing a restoration program based on the release of experimental floods from the two reservoirs. Over thirty-five experimental floods have been released since 2000, and their effects on the restoration of river ecology have been monitored regularly. In 2018, we enhanced the monitoring framework to include sediment and instream wood transport observations. This poster will present the main result of this monitoring.