TRAINING (2.4.1)

La FOK-SNP soutient et coordonne des projets de recherche dans le parc national suisse, dans le parc naturel régional du Val Müstair et dans la zone d'entretien et de développement de la réserve de biosphère Engiadina Val Müstair.en plus

Image : Meisterfoto, stock.adobe.comen plus

Award Ceremony for the Prix Schläfli Physics 2022


11:00 - 11:45

Lieu de l'événement

Université de Fribourg
Bd de Pérolles 90
Auditoire Joseph Deiss

The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) is awarding the Prix Schläfli 2022 to the four most important insights of young researchers at Swiss universities.

Prix Schläfli 2022: Natasha Tomm
Image : Clemmens Spinnler

Natasha Tomm (Physics) received the prize for findings in her dissertation.

Her work could help give data transfers more protection against being hacked: during her dissertation at the University of Basel, Natasha Tomm (co-)developed a super-efficient source of individual photons.

The ceremony is held during the Swiss Physical Society annual meeting 2022.

Awarded article: Natasha Tomm, Alisa Javadi, Nadia Olympia Antoniadis, Daniel Najer, Matthias Christian Löbl, Alexander Rolf Korsch, Rüdiger Schott, Sascha René Valentin, Andreas Dirk Wieck, Arne Ludwig and Richard John Warburton. 2021. A bright and fast source of coherent single photons, Nature Nanotechnoly 16, 399.


  • Encouragement de la relève
Langues : Anglais