TRAINING (2.4.1)

FOK-SNP promotes and coordinates research projects in the Swiss National Park, in the Regional Nature Park Val Müstair and in the conservation and development zone of the Engiadina Val Müstair Biosphere Reserve.more

Image: Meisterfoto, stock.adobe.commore

SGM 2020: Symposium «Hydrology and Hydrogeology»

This year’s edition of the SGM will not be held in physical form at the ETH Zurich. The SGM 2020 will exclusively be held online via video-conferencing.

This symposium is part of the 18th Swiss Geoscience Meeting from 6 to 7 November 2020. This session is open to contributions dealing with hydrology and hydrogeology at all spatial and time scales: from global, continental, catchment to pore scale and processes occurring at the scale of a few minutes, hours or years Contributions demonstrating interdisciplinary approaches, such as groundwater-surface water interactions, are encouraged. This year, we particularly welcome contributions that improve our understanding of climate change impacts on water resources, including the presentation of results obtained in the context of the Hydro-CH2018 project of the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN.

maple stream
Image: M. Bolliger

Convenors: Peter Molnar (CHy, ETH Zurich), Daniel Hunkeler (SGH, University of Neuchâtel), Tobias Jonas (CHy, SLF), Sandra Pool (SGHL, Eawag), Michael Sinreich (SGH, FOEN), Massimiliano Zappa (SGHL, WSL), Sanja Hosi (CHy, SCNAT)


  • Groundwater
  • Hydrogeology
  • Hydrology
  • Hydrology, Limnology, Glaciology
  • Interactions

Abstract submission

This year’s edition of the SGM will not be held in physical form at the ETH Zurich. The SGM 2020 will exclusively be held online via video-conferencing.
Languages: English