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TRAINING (2.4.1)

Die FOK-SNP fördert und koordiniert Forschungsprojekte im Schweizerischen Nationalpark, im Regionalen Naturpark Val Müstair und in der Pflege- und Entwicklungszone des Biosphärenreservats Engiadina Val Müstair.mehr

Bild: Meisterfoto, stock.adobe.commehr

13th Swiss Global Change Day


Freies Gymnasium
Beaulieustr. 55

As in previous years the Swiss Global Change Day is the platform where the Science Community of all disciplines meets and interacts. Key note speakers encompass topics of the physical climate system, the biochemical and geochemical processes and impacts, biodiversity and the human dimensions of global change. The poster session reflects the current research activities. There is ample of time to study these posters and to discuss. Seven travel awards honour the most attractive and comprehensive posters. Location: Freies Gymnasium, Beaulieustr. 55, Bern

Teaser: 13th Swiss Global Change Day in Bern on 4 April 2012


Sprachen: Englisch